in usa now!

Oat-Based Vegan Frozen Treat with Zero added Sugar that still tastes sweet, and has Pre/Pro Biotic features and Dietary Fibre in it with the added Benefits of Basil, Cinnamon, Ashwagandha, Curcumin and MCT fat for higher absorption of nutritions, helpful for Anti Oxidation, Neuro Strengthething and also Bacopa, that helps to Give Brain a Booster. Hence a product line that falls out of the category of the Major players in the world.

We are happy to announce that now, Gopal's 56 Icecreams are available in The United States of America. Growing is a natural process in living beings but to grow out of the box in any business needs consistency in each and every area of the work we do. And with the devotion, confidence, and consistency in our Grade-1 products which we are serving our customers for years in India, now available seven seas far in The United States.
ICE creams | Shakes | sundaes